Sunday, February 22, 2009

I have a damaged hand and a lot of things to do this week... so let's get through this dog.

Last week (February 18) there were 3 performers... first off was a man named Adam from the Bob Dylan Society... Super Steve thought it was great and King Dinosaur noted that it was early Bob Dylan. You can never really go wrong with a Bob Dylan song and Adam did the songs justice... Then up came Robert Thomas Murphy and Adam moved to a supporting role with an electric guitar. Robert Thomas Murphy played some original songs that used Dylan'esque chord patterns with more modern rock vocals... it was all good. Last up was our hero S Robertson who once again was treated to a surprisingly attentive audience. The plan was to play with passion... whatever the hell that means... i guess what i found out that it means that a lot of people read the SRSS blog, as people kept referring to the words they read in the blog. How did old SR do? that's a good question and since i opted not to tape the show we will never truly know, which i wished after wards that i did tape the show, but if i had a recorder going... it would it have changed the balance of the universe enough. I remember being a kid playing hockey by myself in the driveway before a Toronto Maple Leaf playoff game... i would make up these scenarios whereby if i could perform a task at a certain lever for a prolonged period of time then the Leafs would win the game... one of those superstitious things... another example would be a few years ago when the Canucks were in the playoffs and i was doing my mail route and i came across a group of native people having a celebration under a giant tree and as i walked by we smiled at each other and they asked me if i wanted to hug the tree... SR's is always game for a little tree hugging so i gave the tree a hug... and the Canucks won that key game. now what do you think i did on the next game day... of course i had to hug the tree.

I don't think we will ever know how old SR did as he was among a room full of friends, and they always say nice things. There were a few folks rooting for a return of 21 tandem repeats... i guess it's good to be missed.

Next week we have Andorra and The Legion of Flying Monkeys Horn Orchestra and old SR trying to make it all work.

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