Friday, February 23, 2007

Feb. 21/06 Recap

Those who have followed British politics over the past few years will be familiar with the term 'Scottish Raj,' which refers to the fact that many leading politicians and public figures in the U.K. these days are from Scotland. I think there may also be something like a 'Burnaby Raj' in the local music scene, or at least in my little circle of it.

The Supper Show's guest last this week was Kirsten Bole, who apparently lives in Burnaby. I've noticed that Supper Show guests are often of the accoustic balladeer variety, which is great…there've been some superb performers. Having said that, my own preferences are generally more electric and rock, so I thought her stuff was a nice shift of gears. A four-song set of genuinely cool songs, played with instrumental panache on bass (no accompaniment, except a rhythm sample on one), and adorned with some very good singing. The songs were atmospheric, even a bit exotic, but still substantial and well-constructed.

What else happened? Sim has returned to the Supper Show lineup over the past few weeks. Perhaps he got wind of the fact that we had been giving a few Supersimian songs a bit of a workout in his absence. Anyway, he was his usual engaging, well-voiced self. His presence tends to push things in a certain direction song-choice wise, and I was happy to head in that direction myself.

21TR started with some spartan groove/Mr. Greenie variation, and I think the only other thing we did, aside from the 45-minute opening/closing theme, was an ill-advised makeshift number about bears delivered over a Motown riff. Oh yeah, there was also 'Wastelands.' Maybe not one of the better versions.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The new Deal

As the ever changing world and supper show evolves here is the new rule. If you want to play the supper show as a guest you must cover the experience for this blog.

"Fucking Rites" as Scotty, a great hockey player, would say.

also i had to lock antlers with the new blogger over this account so if you need the new login info (provided you were given access to the old one) let me know. others can sent there stories in for posting, or better yet post them elsewhere and we shall link. Yes i realize this is insanity, but insanity is the new reality ain't it.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Valentine's Day 2007

A new journalist has emerged... crows to burnaby, which saves us the trouble of trying to hash together something that sounded interesting. Moreover it looks like we have a guest for next weeks show.

After the show many people mentioned that you couldn't see the chocolate come flying off the stage... The idea that it was dangerous, and then I remembered how Mule Hughes moved seats after being struck with a "9th inning world series 3-2 pitch fastball truffle".

Geez I wish I could go to a free show early enough for me to get a nights sleep and see a great insane maniac drummer hijack a show and then be attacked with fine sweets.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

February 7 Re-cap

To recapitulate, Super Robertson wore a purple velour evening gown, and made up words to "Pretty Woman" as the band played said song behind him. I tried not to choke on my Boxcar Burger, caught in the act of trying to eat and laugh at the same time. "Is this how I want to go?" I asked myself. "With gunk lodged in my windpipe at the Super Robertson Supper Show?" No—I put the burger down and chose life.

Behind closed curtains, Super changed into garb more suited to the frontman of 21 Tandem Repeats. The curtains opened again, and the Supper Show carried on with a full hour of 21 TR. King Dinosaur brought a hula hoop for everyone to try. All those middle-aged hips could not make the thing go for long. Fireman told a story about a clash of artistic sensibilities and Robertson spoke about his attempts to contact the Canada Post, um, "employee resources" line. [Never blog about work, especially not someone else's work.] Sim Special came up to sing "Bill Von Bacon Tell" and a wee bit on "Failure." "Bengal Tiger" was threatened, but not played, and "Enter Sandman" was touched upon. The Supper Show has stumbled upon the perfect combination of improv comedy and musical showmanship, and it seems like whatever random night I decide to check it out there's damn fine entertainment to be had.