Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Fire-Man gets balded

And Super Steve thought the last blog post (or Blogaroo) was downright mean.

I nailed him with a little ether and we balded him and it's all good.

don't worry Fire-Man and i are all good. It is only hair people... and he got a free ether buzz.

it was a great show

and there is no show on Wed Aug 27 so have a good one

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Check this

So on Wednesday August 20th we are going to have this happen:

Many ill Habits..which, after we have indulged our selves in them, become incorrigible. - Steele, 1710

He needs to be punished for the first 20 seconds of that dog. The tune is good but could you be any more annoying?

I have had it with that guy... If he shows and trys to fuck with me tomorrow I am gong to CHANGE HIM!

I guess i need to dig up some of the old footage to make my case on why i have spent my lifetimes worth of tolerance for him. No more Mr. nice guy... i need to react.

Last week this was our crew doing Mr. Greenie. The Poem Olympics are online if you feel you need them.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Where were we

Wouldn't it be neat if the blog post worked backwards... I still have a few beers in the fridge so let's give it a try.

I stumble into my house at around midnight, check that all the doors are locked and go to sleep.

I Fix the back of the Matrix... that is a co-op car signed out by a good friend to ferry myself and a few others to the beach.

we drive back from 3rd beach with myself riding shotgun making wildly inappropriate navigational decisions.

confusion everywhere

The impromptu "legion of flying monkies horn orchestra" rehearsal session comes to an end when a rebellion breaks out among certain individuals.

Fire-Man seizes the jam and begins what appears to be a sudden rehearsal for a show on August 20th to raise money to save hippo's... if you can believe that.

Chris Banting and SR start strumming guitars

Jason shows up with treats that include chocolate

Smart people brought beer... we begin hitting the supply

the crew tries to warm up

Everybody is naked in the cool Pacific Ocean

Chris Banting and Cam Dilworth rush into the ocean... all follow with Robertson bringing up the rear talking about cool water and oily deisel.

all have arrived

our smart navigation puts us on 3rd beach first.

we leave the club and find our car... i immediately take apart the back of the car to look for the thing that will cover the trunk so that one could leave something valuable in the trunk and it wouldn't bee seen

we finish the picture

we clear the gear

the show is over... on principle we did OK

21 Tandem Repeats plays a set without our 2 ace guitar and bass players... Super Robertson and Chris Banting are joined by Daniel Vallee and the three suffer a bunch of bad song calls by the idiot Super Robertson and manage to play a decent set... at one point Fire-Man leads the crowd in a version of Dish Pig... this goes well and Fire-Man begins to leave orbit.

Cameron Dilworth plays a set with SR and Chris Banting joining on a few select songs... S Robertson misses the first song as Kevin Smith explains again why he thought it was a good idea to turn Robertson's back yard into a "biodegradable" sludgy wasteland.

During the set up we notice that somebody has smashed our drum kit.

I arrive at the club

Is it time to bring back the sprint?