Sunday, April 27, 2008

April 23 re- cap

Supper Show 3rd year anniversary show photos by Peter lolley is a good way to get an overview of what happened on Wednesday April 23 2008. I would suggest watching it as a slide show. Notice William Lee gets shutout yet again going home without gold... mostly due to the fact that we didn't have time for all the awards like "best slide show presentation"... others who were shutout include Melissa and Bethanie... we didn't have time for the "myspece award" or the "soundman assistant award"... we also missed the "most annoying realtor award".

It's what happened before the show that is interesting to note. There was a guy, a one man band, who needed an hour to set up before HIS big show later on in the night... so it was up to us to make sure to be done by 8:30 PM. Now that's all good and i'm always up for keeping us honest. i heard about this the night before, as this was clearly a big concern. So the dude shows up when we are setting up and spends 20 minutes holding up the sound man to emphasize he needs what he needs and of course to talk gear... the result being that we are late getting started. At 8:30 we stopped and cleared stage with our usual stealth tear down with this dude standing over us to make sure we don't inconvenience him.

Come up for a name for this ignaramus and you could win a Canada Lynx Records shirt.

Here is the show in 10 minute segments (the maximum i can upload)

Part ONE

Part TWO

Part Three

Part Four


Sunday, April 20, 2008

What is a Super Robertson Supper Show anniversary show... photos speak better than words.

Supper Show 2nd year anniversary show photos

there will be no Super Robertson Supper Show on Wednesday April 30.

we will be back in May.

this happened last week

and our guest was Kingsway

Friday, April 11, 2008

Now if i was smart i would have edited the tape so the announcement happened and then the curtain pull happened and then we did the song.

The following was written as the original post... the stuff above was added later.

the good news is i played guitar for the better part of this evening once the children went to sleep. Better than going over the tape and festering in my own disapproval of my actions.

After the show i was standing next to A. Parker when a friend left and said "good show"... i thanked the person and muttered under my breath towards A Parker "but was it", to which he replied "that is for you to think about for the next few days". indeed. You can't become too predictable... like the guys at work knowing that i am about to come across something that will surly stoke my anger so they set up a stack of bins for me to punt at Roy's head. Actually the term should be "place kick" at Roy's head.

The show will go online later this week so the truth will stand... but i would like to take a moment to go over the show's failures.

1) I hate the blues
2) should not have played "Rain"
3) should have played "banting tree"
4) Lincon Park was mentioned
5) i took the touque off for the song "The Duke of Touque"

the successes

1) somewhat recovering from the blues
2) good audience interaction ( Fire-man makes the best audience member)
3) we played pretty good for the most part
4) the audience wrote a song and we performed it from nothing
5) a picture of beer arrived on the stage

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

April 2 re-hash

well last week i remember being behind the curtain and not really wanting to play so i touched the guitar and there was some feedback so i figured i should play a bit to work out the sound kinks. It was about that time that somebody opened the curtain and the show began. Fair is fair... it was a bit past 7:30. Shortly after that fiasco chris banting and Willingdon black came up and we were then a trio. I pulled the curtain shut again for good measure and i heard some people mutter something about "what kind of clown show is this". Then we cut into "Never wanted to be anyone" and played a good part of the song behind a closed curtain... never a bad idea. Did i mention that WB was on bass. anyhoo the curtain was opened by King Dinosaur and the show began again. Just as the song ended Cory Curtis blew into the club (Cory Has played bass for us before and is one King hell player) as the band was aggressively scanning the bar for our ace on bass Mr. A Rojas i mentioned the Corey was in the club. I think some people could see the wheels turning which created some comedy. A few songs later Rojas was present and on Bass and we rocked the old Knockin' Dog number "Wasteland".

Then before you could say "super robertson has the mad temper of a lunatic" Margaret Taylor was on stage with us.

Some pundits mentioned that the show was like one of those hockey games where the team that got it's balls stomped in the first period comes back in the third to force overtime

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

March 26 re-cap

Genny Trigo Played solo and with 21 tandem repeats. Due to © issues i cannot post the songs she sings in spanish. You will have to come out and and hear them live next time she plays.

21 Tandem Repeats had a fairly strong show

And Genny came back up

Take note. The Super Robertson Supper Show 3rd year anniversary show will be on April 23.