Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July 21 re-cap

musically the SRSS went pretty well but we were late starting and it seems that people would rather be out in the sun that come to the SRSS on days like last week, which you can't really blame them... got me thinking... should the supper show even happen in the summer? why stack greater odds against yourself... but then maybe one needs to see things from another angle.

None the less Stephen King had a man on stand-up bass and they sounded fine... i was suffering from "SSSD" (supper show stress disorder), but managed to lay down a set and it was a distinctive honour to have Land of Deborah up to sing "Blue skies"

Remember i had called the swim out at third beach after the show... well i went and did it, and it was King Hell. Unfortunately there was only me... the closest i got to an offer was one of the bartenders who lives near Jericho and she told me to flash a light her way and she would flick her light on back to say "yo have a good swim". Then i pressed her about her husband and to drag him out but apparently he won't go into water when it's dark... then i smelt paranoia and pressed harder. You see i had been working myself up into a fine shark paranoia all day in preparation for the swim... and it was odd because a couple times that day people i know, out of the blue, without prompting mentioned that there are no sharks in the water here... which is clearly a foolish statement. The scientific term is "accidental migrant" and it is used to describe an animal that has strayed from a geographical location where it is expected to be to a geographical location where it is not expected to be... and following that bone logic the animal... or alpha predator for that matter is going to be hungry after the journey. This is totally clear to any straight thinker out there... oceans have no boundaries and considering all of the intense pollution and stressing factors that are going on in the ocean habitat as a whole it is completely reasonable that there are confused, lost and irritable sharks out there looking to settle the score.

Apparently these people aren't the kind of people who like to challenge their late night ocean paranoia's, like say myself... who after quaffing a few pints and having a few laughs set out on the journey... it was firecracker night so everybody was leaving the beach, and biking thought the crowds was kind of annoying but i was going out to the more secluded 3rd beach located in Stanley Park... a good little ride but by the time you get there you are in the frame of mind to strip down and swim... it was fantastic... i just floated on my back sculling looking at the trees and had a few moments where i weighed the magnitude of life and how lucky i was to be there and living it.

So swim again tomorrow... you should come... i remember being on Mayne island one time and a friend jumped into the water and was looking back at me as i cowered over the idea of the cold north pacific... and he told me "it's just what your body needs" when he said it i thought it was bullshit but when i did take the plunge i had to agree.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

July 14 Re-cap

There was The Land of Deborah and Super Robertson and JLS... JLS was originally the sound man for the evening, but as per SRSS protocol "when in doubt pry the sound man up on stage to play lead guitar and then lead the final number of the night" which happened on this night to be a number about fathers, our destiny, and of course PARANOIA.

It wouldn't be like SR to not play the paranoia card when it is time for a little improvisation... which is rather a re-hashing of some of the great stories in which a certain Robertson elder takes paranoia to provincial heights all while JLS lays down a foundation clinic of groove and melody.

there was a small but courteous audience that wore faces with smiles and then we swilled beer and watched a girl band who's mother was in attendance... this i know because i was talking to her about her daughters band... she was very proud and i remembered that note i found in my stuff my mother saved for me... it was a note that was written by my father, my wife (who was not my wife at the time), and a friend...

the note was written in SAMOO'S pub during a festival called Localpalooza like a decade ago... it was so loud in there nobody could talk so they wrote notes to each other to communicate.

Dad- can we leave after Knockin' Dog, i have suffered enough ear damage already
CT- good idea
Mike- you don't know ear damage until you hear Knockin' Dog

My parents are troopers... i think my dad helped carry the mutant double neck guitar into the gig.


Stephen King is coming down on July 21 and SR will make something happen on his end.

anybody up to biking to second beach for some late night swimming after the show?

summertime will end when it's over, but now is the time to swim.