Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Dustun Rilcof, Ben Mahony and S Robertson

On this night a lot of the "regulars" who frequent the Supper Show were absent, but two large conglomerants of forein exchange students completed january for a string of "sold out" shows.

First up Dustin Rilcof showed his sensitive side, and played some songs that bordered on... love songs. the Canucks were up 2-1 at this time. Rilcof's set demonstraited some excelent finger picking and some fine melodies... but like the exchange students i missed a lot of the words. It was a great set and i'll give him 4 stars.

Next up was Ben Mahony, a man who has lived all over this fine Country and played a geographical set with songs written in all different provinces at various times in his life. He seemed like a king hell fellow and he brought some guy he met at an open stage in Toronto a month back. His songs had good energy and drove like an old school Buick down a mountain road... which reminded me about this time i hitchhiked back from 100 mile house.

Last up with the rapid turnover was our hero, the Kingpin of the Supper Show... Super Robertson. The crowd was incredibly good to him... people listened to the songs applauded and then sat in silence for the next song... this definatly caught SR off guard but like a veteran soilder he adapded. He played a fine version of the littles which earned him a few CD sales. Go tiger go!

After the show we got to catch the patented Vancouver Canuck collapse as they turned a 3-1 lead into a 5-3 loss. You could tell that Super Steve had seen this type of thing happen before and smartly made a quick exit after the 2nd period.

On Wednesday February 4 2009 we have the 2nd edition of the Jesse Matheson and Cameron Dilworth Supper Show... and they have invited S Robertson, CS Rippin, and a few others to come and play a song. Lets fire it up boys.

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