Monday, February 09, 2009

Hi Ho to all of those out there in Blogland... may i suggest you now do something productive like go for a walk. I am home alone with the kids and i have watched all of the hockey highlites (only 2 games today). Where was i?

Did i mention that the class "A" Hammerhead Cam Dilworth kept referring to the show and myself as "Robinson" and not "Robertson" for like the 18th million time... you would think that all of the posters on the club wall that announce "The Super Robertson Supper Show" might help, but it's probably like that gig we did in Nanaimo back in November and we had that huge Banner behind us that said "21 Tandem Repeats" and of course some dude comes up after the show to tell us we were really good and "What was the name of our band" and so WB tells him "21 Tandem Repeats" and he says "OH like the Banner that was behind you when you were playing"... "Yea like that". Kind of funny when ever i write his name in the blog i become paranoid.. "are there 2 l's or just one" and i look it up. But then again one of the members of the Super Robertson Supper show Facebook group came to the show and his last name is Mallin and i came up to him and barked "Malkin what's going on!"... i corrected myself looked up on stage and was called "Robinson" again.

It was of course the 2nd episode of the Cameron Dilworth and Jesse Matheson Supper show... 2 great guys with excellent talent who are learning the supper show ropes doing one show per month. They brought out C.S. Rippin, Jeremy Todd, Super robinson... i mean Robertson and Caleb Stull to play some songs and they had a neat twist on the guest vibe. They just stayed up on stage drinking while the guest played a song... Cam just took off his guitar and passed it to the guest. This can actually be better than trying to orchestrate a massive curtain pull and lineup change that the supper show has seen in the past. It created a nice open feeling of people sharing songs. After the show the leaders were suffering from post Supper show Stress disorder where they thought that the failed to put on a good show. For the record it was a fine show totally worth the price of admission. I just know the feeling.

Next week on February 11 we have Simian Special and Jacqui Brown.

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