It was just like good old times... 21 Tandem Repeats with a full compliment: Shawn Killaly, JLS and WB. Land of Deborah was in the house, and the said musicians have played on her latest EP titled "You are here" so we stomped a version of Blue Skies and then i handed LOD the axe and they smashed home a few numbers... which essentially in some parts was what the SRSS was to be all about when i started it about 5 years ago. It wasn't until after the show that i got bogged down in a few bad ideas that cost me a hangover and a stick bag that i started thinking about the SRSS. I mention this because i believe, after careful consideration, that it would be in my best interest to kill the Super Robertson Supper Show. I'm thinking i should go to March have a big 5 year anniversary/ "the last SR Supper" show... I still have a goal with the show, and that is to get a story about the show in the Georgia Straight... why? I don't know, I'm weird that way... i thought it might be possible, and it should be with the right amount of hounding... or at least the properly directed hounding. It's kind of like the same logic as stopping on the 5 year mark... the other option would be to go for the full decade, but i think i made my point in 5 years. It's not a sad thing, or as i would usually frame things a "definite failure", but rather quite the contrary... for half a decade I somehow led a crew of good natured and generous artist to put on an early reliable and free show that i know entertained many people... it provided a stage for artists to bring their stuff and try something. Sure we had some all time lows as i led the team of a cliff and into a cauldron... but we had some highs as well... there were some King Hell Moments for sure. I guess i shouldn't talk in past tense yet because there are many a shows left and it would be better to nail them, or at least go right off the rails at the railway club. It's nothing negative or bad, i just thought that if i used 6:45-11PM ever Wednesday to do something else in a non performing but yet creative endeavour i might be better off.
man I'm really starting to run the yap on these blogs... the whole world is getting shorter and more brief (texting twitter) and i'm here re explaining unimportant thought lines.
When i was about 23 and i lived in a "warehouse" in Kitsilano i had on my fridge a schedule of my week broken down into 1/2 hour segments.. there was work, jamming, exercise, and then a couple types of artistic thought... there was even 1/2 hour of cartoon drawing scheduled for Tuesday night 8:30-9PM... the idea of course was to exercise all of the "creative muscles". Of course as a disorganized sloth of a man i fell off course from time to time. One day i had a party, and people were smoking grass, and somebody saw the schedule and drew attention to it... the were having a real hoot, and of course i failed to see the humor and tried to explaining the logic behind everything, which of course caused the laughter to become uncontrollable. i happened to have a brick in the kitchen, and i thought about grabbing it and smashing some faces to bring peoples attention to reality, but then i relaxed and got in on the joke and i started telling some of my ideas that didn't make the first schedule but would definitely be present in the second schedule once i felt a certain mastery of the first schedule. I was a regular Charlie chuckles that night as people were hitting the floor and we had a lot of good laughs. The next day i kept the schedule... i was going to tear it down, but then i saw it as a representation of somebody that wanted to be doing things for a purpose. Never underestimate dedication, life is long, but it's the accumulation of your short game that gets you places, and generally the places aren't recognized by the standard values of success but rather the peace of mind in knowing you did what you thought you had to do.
I guess the big news last week was that Peter lolley won "SRSS Best Moustache Movember 2009"
that would be here:
What is this Lynx Paw Beard Shampoo?
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