Tuesday, December 15, 2009

a fairly major disaster ha happened

OK so i went to find some of the old SRSS posters... the classic ones with a cartoon version of myself eating a hamburger and the other one with my head with a fork in it, which spurred a massive search for my backup disks which came up empty handed... hours of time which then sparked me to get out the old tower and try to use it as a target dive to grab the file... to make a long story short so that later in the blog i can make a short story long, my main computer is now down and out and i have this paranoia that i reset the bastard by holding the start button down for too long, which of course will have disastrous consequences if i have indeed deleted our family digital photos... good thing i burned MULE that disk of 21 tandem repeats live album that sits somewhere in my house.

So there will be no email for this show... that's right i had problems importing my contacts... what simple tasks using computers do i not have trouble with one could ask... it's just not my thing.

Should have emailed Sim and gone with a new poster, but no Old Robertson can solve the problem... as my dad would say "1 step forward 3 steps back".

Last week was a fun Supper Show with Camille and Jose in Santa suits singing songs... i hit a few numbers one of them being "after the birth" a crude song on the birth of Jesus, which I'll probably never play again and a version of "Nothing is heard".

After the show i ping ponged down to the Roxy to catch "The Manx" and once i cleared security i was able to enjoy the end of their set which rocked hard. We should all go to the Roxy as a pre Olympic warm up... you want to pay to go see some entertainment... well then lets eyeball you use a medal detector on your ass and then scan your drivers licence and question your legitimacy as a potential consuming customer. The real comedy came when i tried to pluck a ticket out of the bowl that was on the desk where you pay and the woman snatched the ticket out of my hand and then moved the bowl of tickets away and placed them out of reach. Often with these roxy deals you get a free beer with your admission fee if you have a ticket... i guess you have to actually have the ticket before you pass the first level of security and the bowl of tickets is just there to say fuck you you cheese eating surrender monkey. Marty ended up buying me a beer which he totally didn't have to, and he didn't even know my problems at the door... he's just a swell fellow. i still feel cheated the the Roxy cheated me out of a beer and tried to make me feel like a criminal in doing so. Oh the time they are a chaingin'.

Tomorrow night or on Wednesday December 16 we have "The LFM Shareholders Report and Puppet Show" which will be a Fire-Man special:

OK we are back in business... there will be an email The computer is back from the dead... thanks to Reeserv on some chat line... hold down Command Option p, r and let it chime a few times.

Jesus Christ it's a quarter to midnight and the whole blog is a lie now that my computer genius has come through in spades... Lets talk about Super Robertson's professionalism for a little bit shall we. The man brews an amber ale and had 3 computers on a table all for the purpose of enriching the Super Robertson Supper Show with some classic Simian Special poster designs. The man runs into a snag but still keeps a focus on the goals: 1) brew properly 2) operate computers 3) Update the blog because you said you would 4) occasionally go upstairs to hush children 5) start working on how to break it to CT that the family photos are gone.

A smart man would now immediately backup those photographs, but I'm on a roll and smart has never really been the kind of word people use to describe me. It could be that i generally hang out with really smart people... which happens to be true, so a person with a reasonable intelligence backed up with actual logic,fine street smarts, creativity and a healthy paranoia of most situations goes unnoticed on the charts of "smart".

Where the hell am I?

My computer works again ( i did the first half of this blogaroo on a laptop, and in the process had to reset my password)... which reminds me Mule send me an email and we can get it set back right again... ie what the hell was the old password? everything is automated which is not ideal for major crashes. Passwords and security codes... there must be some major evolution going on in the human brain these days to deal with this.

December 16 is Fire-Man's birthday and as he is planning to announce on Friday is Super R's birthday... for my birthday i give myself a horn show. Death come quickly! Now that my computer is back up i have received a late email that apparently i will have to bring down a guitar after all, so i guess I'm playing... I'm highly allergic to LFM rehearsals but I'm a master of winging it especially when being in key don't matter.

The Plot thickens.

OK for the record... there is a puppet show written and i thing there are grand thing planned, songs to do. The LFM has made great progress in moving from errant horn blasting to something greater. For my part I'll do what i can which i believe is play a song and announce a few things.

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