Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Well well well, here we go again...

The Super Robertson Supper Show 6 year Anniversary Gala event.  Right now, above me, 2 beautiful women are working diligently on a massive cake that has a guitar and my head so far... apparently i just ate my nose.  For the record it was moist and delicious.  The awards are all hanging on the wall looking regal with their sharp red ribbon and glinting gold medallions. There are even trophies, the only thing left is who will take them home.

SRSS blog follower hawk eye- can anybody beat Super Steve?
Most stylish head-  Super R has short hair and huge sideburns... going to be tough for Casey.
Pro side burn award- seriously people
Agent of chaos- I wonder
Best hockey mind- Can Willingdon Black retain the title?
Best local release- Pineapple (pineapple) , One little dream (21 tandem Repeats), Insolents and Indolents (the Gentle Infidels), In (Land of Deborah).... among others
Delinquent award- Shockk's moment to shine... Chris Cruse or John Tweed or Winkler?
Lyric hawk award-  could be Jen Kopp,  could be Wayne or King Dinosaur
Satellite award- who lives far away but is in touch with the SRSS...Greg Pohl the reigning champion.
Best poem- so many to choose from, and some may still come
Stalwart award- meet Super Steve
Best keyboards- is an accordion a keyboard? Will Fire-Man steal this from Jason Jones.
Best spoken word or interpretive dance- Nathan Baker had a good one last week, but Pockets did do the meditation dance.
Best guitar player- acoustic or electric?
The "Pavel Bure" energy injection award - Jacey and the crew from  Bellerose Composite High School... or is it Sandra Bouza, or Chris Johnson or Tim Watson.
v5t award- so many candidates
Best stringed instrument player-  Chris Rzepa, Aaron McKinney, Johnson, Robertson, Dangworth
Best instrument builder- Fire-Man or Ed Bond
Mid week hammer time award- super R has earned that, but possibly Ed might be in the house
Avaunt guard award- LFM, BTD, This Thing
Top producer- Caleb Stull, Jesse Gander, Nick Tyz, Brodie Smith
Top female scientist- heavy competition on this one
Top journalist- can Mule Hughes keep the title... a little bird told me no...
Happy person award- see who's smiling
Best female vocal- another huge one... so many candidates...
Top dog mail person- I believe Rilcof won this last time..  which is insane... can't repeat.
Best blog- can the Super Robertson Supper Show blog win on home turf... will there be a riot if it doesn't.
Best Horn player- plenty on hand
Best sign language interpreter who is non licensed?

Other questions remain:
Can  Joe Rotundo trump any of the SRSS hosts and take home best regular night host of a Railway event? And who will win best bartender and what will the fallout of that decision be, and will some pseudo award need to be invented off the top of our fearless leaders head to soothe the soul of  the losers club.

Of course this is all just a cover to trick people to come to the CD release party for my latest record titled "One Little Dream".  I think it is really good, but  I have thought that before like a dozen times so what do i know.  The past couple of releases i hired a publicist but this time i wasn't pushy enough to get on the train... that and the fact that staying home to raise kids for 3 years can take a pretty good hit on your pocket book.  I'm not complaining, i have a good life with enjoyment coming from many different regions.  In fact i feel good about tomorrow night... in the past i would worry about how things will go but now all i see is a chance to play with some great people that i have had the good fortune to play with over the past number of years.  We even had a few rehearsals and sounded fine, and i remembered some things about myself... don't get trapped behind some ideal of how you think you want something to go.  Because it is a record release and a 6 year anniversary party i want it to go well, but what is it that we have been training for all these years?... working on the fly.  I have confidence that on the songs that have many chord changes i can put people on instruments that know the changes, and the rest we need to embrace the spirit of the path we have forged.

Lastly, for those who read this, and have been part of this whole experiment... Thanks!  There was a time i didn't know we would survive 3 months.  I remember going into the club with my Loyal Order of Water buffalo  hat on... because it was the only hat i had that had horns thinking i have to come out strong tonight or we are fucking dead.  I just have this vision of walking up the stairs terrified that i can't even play music for free and succeed.  Success is a matter of opinion, and i know that now, and in the end it's all just memories... I don't even play the song "I am a failure" anymore... why buy into the game you don't play.

Come on down to the Railway on July 13 2011, have cake, win awards, and see people playing music on their own terms... not a bad deal i say.

And download this you cheap bastards​/album/one-little-dream/id​436188791

1 comment:

Jason Galpin said...

Can see the stage now... red, festooned with golden medallions... smell of Railway... who can resist?!?!?!