Tuesday, March 23, 2010

March 17 re-cap

March 17, otherwise known as St. Patrick's Day a good time to be in a bar... if you can get in, because bars are fun when they are full of people celebrating and having a good time, and that's what happened.

And for once i have to give myself a clap on the back for making a series of calls that were in fact the right calls made at the right time and of course i must also give another slap on the backs of all of the performers who did so at such a high level on this particular night. We worked a ton of people on the stage and kept the flow going... everybody played great and good times were had by all. Extra huge Kudos to Shawn Killaly on the drums who was right for every situation thrown at him and for playing with style and groove and not volume and volume.

And for tomorrow we have Legion of Flying Monkies Choir practice doing that thing that they do and i have the pleasure of being joined by Shawn Killaly and WB again... and who knows others may show up and be worked in somehow... actually come to think of it it's kind of hard not to get roped into a LFM show for good or ill. An example would be the last time LFM played good old Super Steve was trying to pass by the back bar and escape into the "safe" zone otherwise known as the side bar... but just as he was rounding the corner he got the call to get up and join in the crowd participation portion of the song "aliens"

so I'm looking for a good show just like last nights Super Robertson Chatroulette show that had its moments

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