Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hey Rock... the legend is strong

Last week at the super Robertson Supper Show we had a doors cover band named "Soul Kitchen"and Super Robertson. They hit the song Peace Frog, which is what i was hoping for and a version of "love me two times" which got me thinking of rhythm ideas with respect to songwriting. There were 2 levels of keyboards with a thin board holding up a massive box of some sort of sound equipment. It was good times for sure. On the SR side, he played a few new numbers and was heckled by an old high school nemesis named Ed Henley... i guess in the grand scheme of things it was SR who was in fact the nemesis as he was reminded about the time he set of firecrackers in Ed's back pocket during a scavenger hunt. i wonder how many people are arrested and or killed at these scavenger hunts... like there is always a stop sign on the list and its worth a lot of points. That could be a real safety issue for any of you worry wart pencil neck's out there in blogland. the whole episode had some of the regular folks wondering how many people from SR's past are out there carrying scars from incessant SR harassment.

Speaking of Nemesis and people to harass, this week at the SR Supper Show we have the Hey Rock, or Ross Vegas aloha sucker show. Last night i get this bizarre email from this dude named "Tim" about some show at the railway.

What i know is that Hey Rock is playing the Super Robertson Supper Show on Wednesday June 17th.

Hey Rock... the legend:

Hey Rock blows into Vancouver and tries to hook up with the music scene. Little does he know that there is no music scene, but it doesn't stop him because he still has hope and a good hip. Hey Rock meets the members of the classic band ROADBED who go on to produce his band's first release. Done of a 4-track the group has a knack for sweet little pop tunes sung with great harmonies... The Roadbed crew dubbed them "Champ and the Harmony Brothers" and prepared for their debut release, but no can do, the band recoiled at the thought of not being taken VERY SERIOUSLY, so they changed their name to Rubicon (n. A limit that when passed or exceeded permits of no return and typically results in irrevocable commitment.)... OK Guy!

In some ways that's what a music scene will do to a band, make them worry about things that are not important. I don't think the Barenaked Ladies ever worried about being taken seriously, but I'm pretty sure all of us fools in scene sucking bands would do anything for success on the level that the Ladies achieved.

Rubicon released a solid sounding CD under the hands of JLS and rode the ROADBED tails for a few years, and then Hey Rock struck off on his own forming a band called Ross Vegas who released a CD titled "Flow". Hey Rock is one hell of a singer and he is moving back to the his home town of Rossland B.C.

I know I'll miss Hey Rock, but those days were done when we all made the fool decision to have kids... so it's really every man for himself, just like it always was and always will be, but when you are young you tend to believe in things that might make sense in a movie.

Have no fear... from what i understand the band Ross Vegas will carry on with a "new" Hey Rock at the helm as a matter of principle, and of course Hey Rock has been immortalized in a few Roadbed songs the most obvious being "Hey Rock took the bait", a song which i might mention has since been covered by another fantastic Vancouver band named Simian Special.

Fucking hell... it feels like i'm writing a damn biography of Hey Rock and i haven't even got to the part where Super Robertson and Shockk spent a few good years of their lives putting Hey Rock on Swirly alert. Of course a Swirly is where you shove a person's head into the toilet and give it a flush... which is actually what the song "Hey Rock took the bait" was all about. Everything back in those days was about luring Hey Rock close to a toilet so we could pounce on his ass and go for a quick swirly, and if he wasn't such a strong person we would have had him. One time his head was inches from that tiolet water and we were on his head like a raccoon on a hound but he found the strength to lurch back at the moment of truth.

If there was only one more time where Hey Rock could wander into a washroom whistling a little tune and thinking about something else... then we could ambush his ass and dunk him for the swirly he deserves... hey wait a minute he will be at the Railway Club tomorrow... Hmmmm.

I miss those days.

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