Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March 25th re-Cap

I was asked to add some percussion for one of Genny's songs so before the show i went into SR's private percussion stash and noticed the my stick bag was now gone... holy shit i was even in a good mood for a moment. perhaps some bastard needed some sticks to go with his stool.... luckily for all involved Jeff Hawker posted a blog on his take of the supper show so we will be spared any more of my negative gibberish at this time.

The Blog it titled "Free beer and stolen wood"... he had a conversation with our man Fire-Man Jeff Hawker's supper show blog... I was going to just copy and paste the bastard here but i know that Mr. fucking blog edict himself "Mule Hughes" will read this blog and I'm trying to stay out of the doghouse with regard to proper blog form.

Next week is April Fools Day so i expect an number of good pranks from our friends Jesse and Cam tomorrow. I guess the Super Robertson Supper Show is now 4 years old I'll give out some trophies at the Super Robertson Easter show which happens on Thursday April 9 at La Casa Del Artista located at 150 east 3rd avenue.

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