Tuesday, October 21, 2008

October 15 re-cap

Vale, making their second appearance at the supper show put on a fine clinic. This is a band that the supper show people seem to really like... look for some gold medals to come Vale's way next April if you know what i mean... and if you don't (know what i mean) you should really get your head out of your ass.

Now where was I... Oh yea i was going to insult the readers, i guess i did that.

Next week, or more appropriately tomorrow, we have a special Guest by the name of Jacqui Brown. She is a beautiful woman with a wonderful voice and she will be performing solo. For our part, our man Simian Special will be on drums... is it time for POEM MOMENT?

Notice i got the fucking date wrong? I said it was the 14th... which happened to be election day... was i just hoping for a re-vote?

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