Monday, July 21, 2008

21 Tandem Repeats version of the song "On Frozen Pond" to win the hundred thousand big ones.

It happens to be track 8 on our New CD titled "No Junk mail Please"

If you want to hear it check this But the ROGER DEAN YOUNG cover song isn't there... CBC radio 3 doesn't do cover songs... a good thing.

to commemorate the return of our new CD we performed 21 Random Poems last week at the supper show... it was actually a pretty good show... there were definitely some dogs in the mix and my unfortunate mumbling disorder.. but the band of Rojas, Macaulay and Banting put on a clinic. In fact i talked to a beautiful French woman after the show who loved it even though she missed the words... there could be something there... alas lets go with this poem and you can find the rest if you have a stomach for Jack assed poetry and some time to kill.

Next week look for Genny Trigo and Baboon Torture Division (July 23) and on the 30th of July it will be the King Dinosaur Supper Show. On August 6 look for the return of Super Robertson at the supper show with special guest lined up Cameron Dillworth

this guy:

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