Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The weekly post

Sometimes i laugh at myself and other times i just shake my head. I remember when my dad told somebody that i was "different"... he was right, but alas if we going to do something let's do it.

For good or ill i have begun taping the shows with a device that makes it somewhat easy to document. The main crushing honest observation would be that my singing sucks one pretty large tortise cock. it is a correctable problem that will need me to remember some basic fundamental things, like to be ready to sing. The minute i forget that i am a singer (something that oddly happens all the time) i am doomed. perhaps i just need a new genra rather than being a singer/songwriter i could be billed as a Goat imitator/songwriter... i could rule that market... if i cared about markets other than the idea that Market trends encourage "heard like stupidity", which happens to be a pet Peeve of mine.

Oh i should mention that the Supper Show will be cancelled on Wednesday March 5 as there are 6 bands playing the club as part of the Main bill. I'll take the break, perhaps a vocal lesson that night.


finally got that Carving hearts video fixed... this happens on Wed Feb 13

Now King Dinosaur played last week... A great show with giveaways, trivia, and the usual King Dinosaur wit, playing a traditional, a kinks song, a Dylan tune, a Rolling Stones number i think there was another and a medley thrown in at the end.
I wish i had taped "Samson and delila" as i believe it is a traditional song which would allow me to post it without fear of breaking the law... i know it did get recorded so i will work on that. There was a lunar eclipse that night Feb 20 so i made a small movie with credits, the lunar eclipse, some clips of King Dinosaur banter and then the Rolling Stones song with a fade into the crowd, but then i got all paranoid about the © issues i edited the song out but i did it from within quicktime and now it's all out of sinc

I really hate myself when i cause problems like that... don't worry the twins are fine.

Of our set i would say the Robertson's dream orchard had the best vocals... which gives you an idea of how bad the others were

we ended the show with failure.. we need more curtain pulls.

If you were at the show last week and you happened to be paying attention to what i said was going to happen this week then it is time for you to forget what you heard, and feel confidant that we will have music and a puppet guest, and perhaps a few guest singers (one for sure)... remember the show is free and it starts at 7:30PM

1 comment:

The Mule said...

"heard like stupidity" may be a typo, but it's a brilliant turn of phrase.