Tuesday, June 28, 2011

June 22 Re-Cap

Call a spade a spade and use a favourite term to call it. That was one KING HELL Cam and Jesse Super Robertson Supper Show. The classic mixture of music, comedy and "off the cuff" art. I was at the back with Daniel Scott, the flute player from Yukon, and one of the first things he said was "I could learn a lot about stage presence from these guys". I believe he was referring to Jesse's ability to play a song and stop the song like 15 times to explain something and then go back into the song and have the whole thing work like magic.

The boys had a theme that happened to be "graduation" and there was of course a song written for Jesse's brother, who apparently just graduated from Chiropractor college. Cam brought out a guest who happens to be an old school SRSS alumni by the name of Danny Vallee, who was as good as ever, and Jesse used telepathy to let a person he had never met before to come out and be his guest.

That's the kind of professionalism we need around here...

Now is the time in the blog where i would usually go off on some tangent for some reason or another... but do people really need that?

On June 29 2011...
This Thing - http://mysp.ac/lwZ8Hl a solo project led by a man named Richard Fordham

and 21 Tandem repeats- http://www.21tr.ca/, with Tim Watson on drums, perhaps Mo on vocals, Jason Jones on synth and Christopher Johnson on bass... and Super R as Super R.

Also pleas come out to the Railway Club on July 13 2011 for a full night of entertainment...

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