Tuesday, February 15, 2011

February 9th re-cap

If you have a flash memory card and you throw it in your computer and grab the stuff off it and then throw the stuff in the card in the trash you need to empty the trash while the card is connected to the computer or your card will appear to be empty but actually be full of stuff on "hidden " folders.

Because i didn't know that i was busy swearing my head off  wondering why nothing electronic ever works for me... it is usually because i don't know how to operate it and don't really care to find out because i know if i do then they are going to change everything.  I move from digital tape to flash memory to save myself some vital time and then i end up screaming bloody murder at a chip.

As a result i was a tad bit late for the show, and it was actually going when i got there.  Nick on sound, Legion of Flying Monkeys Horn Orchestra rocking (or should i say "honking") out.  There was a great crowd faithfully following the instructions of the Supreme Janitor and good times were being had by all.

Super Steve was minding the Canucks / Ducks game... everything was under control.  Except for the fact that i couldn't operate my camera and the 2 people in the room that could help me were busy with Legion of Flying Monkeys duty.  I did sort things and as a regular pro i learned on the fly... or did i just bum another card, like an addict with a problem?

before the pledge we were all given candies, i immediately scarfed mine down, because of course i was busy solving problems and didn't realize what was happening... even though i should know... remember the time i led the skytrain cab in version of this song.

It was a grand evening for sure... I got up and tried to carry on the participation vibe

finally got some of those videos from Jan processed:

On February 16 2011

Gem Andrews- solo folk artist
And a spanking version of 21 tandem Repeats featuring Slick on drums and Jason Jones on Jazz piano.
( i will not create a facebook page for my band... and i will not ask people to like it... it goes against all reason either way... I would recommend people do,  so I'm not trying to come off like some self righteous chump, i just can't have another page on the web, each page i have scrapes at my will to carry on)

I wonder if those links will work?
Things seem different... the internet has changed again.

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