Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Jan 12 2011 re-cap

Poem and piano night all rolled up into one fine show with a great group serving as the nights 21 Tandem Repeats trio.  Shawn Killaly on drums, Christopher Johnson on piano and guitar, and our hero Super Robertson on piano and guitar as well...  And then there was Allie Bunt a beautiful young poet from the suburbs who answered and ad placed on craigslist that read:

Looking for some adventurous poets to come and share some words live at the Super Robertson Supper Show. We will provide some simple backing grooves (live and improvised) and you see what you can do live on the stage of the Railway Club.

The add had more information but for the purposes of the blog,  lets just call it a "buy the ticket take the ride" kind of moment.  In a lot of ways it was a near perfect Super Robertson Supper Show... why was it perfect you ask?  The key indicator was the fact that shortly before the show was about to start none of the performers had any idea what was going to happen, and a lot of the people had never really met before... this is key.  Then you ask the questions; What do we have? Who can do what? Anybody have anything they want to do for sure? What is prepared and what does the prepared need for backing?

In the end we had a king hell drummer (Shawn Killaly), a multi instrumentalist and songwriter (Chris Johnson), a poet with 20 prepared poems (Allie Bunt) and a Super Robertson... also a drum kit, a piano, a guitar, multiple mic's, a sound man (JLS), beer and food.

Ok I'll say it...  if you can't make that happen get out of the business... if that's not fun then go file some paperwork... if that's a bad vibe perhaps one needs to volunteer for jury duty... if that's a waste of time the one should pave their backyard.

In the end it's all just memories... flash memories:

Johnson on piano Shawn on drums:

Poem with Allie SR guitar, Johnson piano, Killaly drums:

Wishing Machine with the 21TR trio of the night:

A little fucking dark i would have to say we need somebody on lights... for christsakes can't a man get some production values around here... I'm Joking OK.

Do yourself a favour and don't miss tomorrow night... it looks like we will play the new album with Shawn Killaly on drums, Chris Rippin on Piano, Genny Trigo on vocals and Super Robertson as Super Robertson.  If you want to hear the new album check this out man.

what would you rather be doing? watching television?  You can catch the tail end of the Rangers Leafs game at the bar just before the SRSS.

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